Aims & Objectives

The Local History Society meets on the 2nd Thursday every month at 7.00pm.
Aims and Objectives
Appledore has a rich and interesting heritage which goes back centuries. It complements the landscape in encouraging visitors and tourists to the village and provides a link for the current villagers to their predecessors
The aims, objectives and obligations of the Appledore History Society are:
- To provide a focal point for the regular gathering of local residents interested in the history of the village and surrounding areas
- To facilitate the collection, collation and sharing of information and artefacts and to provide a repository for the benefit of future generations
- To build an extensive archive that might be developed into a local Appledore Heritage Centre
- To welcome and inform new residents of the history of the village and surrounding areas
- To provide visitors to Appledore some basic facts that will enhance their knowledge of the village
- To establish heritage trails that will enrich the enjoyment of tourists to the village