Victoria Arms
Having once had five pubs, Appledore has a rich history in old hostelries, as do many villages in England, now sadly gone. We are unsure exactly when the Victoria Arms ceased trading, but the sales particulars we have suggest that it was sold in 1996 with its Free House drinking license still in place.
Planning permission was sought in 1998 for “Demolition of the Victoria Arms Public House, proposed erection of four residential houses with attached garages”. This was granted and in June 1999 building commenced.
Four houses (1, 2, 3 and 4 Limen cottages) were built, and were completed and sold in 2001.

Victoria Arms on Club Day, Appledore 1911
Street Wagon, driven by Fred Green, Haulier, often associated with the Victoria Arms and Hannah Green in 1955, once the Landlady of the Victoria Arms.
She is mentioned in our Memories of a Land Army Girl page here.

The area now contains four homes