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ALHS October News

We are getting very close to launching our website (in fact it may be ‘live’ by the time you read this article). This website will be ever-evolving with new pages as and when we have sufficient
material on each topic relating to Appledore. If you have photos or stories from the past that you would like to share via the website, we would love to hear from you, as these would help enhance
the website.

We hope, as a further project, to provide various QR (Quick Response) signs relating to some of the buildings and other sites within Appledore which would then link to this website, providing people with Smartphones information immediately.

We are working on producing two plaques for the sites where evidence of the Pluto pipeline still exists. These plaques will explain the history behind the pipeline and will show a map to put into
context the portions visible in Appledore.  We are thinking of establishing an Associate Membership to ALHS, such that for £5/year you would be able to have free entry to the public
talks that we host and also attend some smallerscale talks in the Methodist Chapel.

If you would be interested in this, please do get in touch!

The next talk that we are contemplating hosting in 2018 will be about the Royal Military Canal. If there are any contacts known to you who would be sufficiently experienced to provide an
interesting and entertaining talk on this important Scheduled Ancient Monument, please do pass on their details to us.

Here are the ads for digging the canal!

Our October newsletter is available for download here:  October 2017

As ever, contact details are Chairman, Brian Knight on, 01233 758319 or our Secretary, Tracy Morgan on, 01233 758756 OR visit our website or message us on Twitter @AppledoreHist