ALHS January News
Happy New Year!
Some of the projects we have been working on are coming to fruition this year;
- The Johnson family grave that includes Private Harry Johnson, who fell in 1879 at Isandwana during the Zulu War is to be repaired at a cost of £150.
- Two signs signalling the location of remaining sections of the Pluto Pipeline are to be erected at a cost of £358 plus some materials to put these onto posts and site them.
- The beacon to be installed ready for the Battle’s Over event in November has been fabricated and next needs to be erected on Mill Hill at a total cost of approximately £700, towards which grants have been received from Appledore Parish Council and Cllr Mike Hill totalling £550.
ALHS is footing the remaining bill for these projects. We rely on donations and our fund raisers, such as talks in the Village Hall, to be able to provide these activities for the benefit of celebrating Appledore’s heritage. We should therefore be most grateful if you could support us in any way you can.

The WW1 Appledore Heritage Trail, under the100 Miles for 100 Years project, is included in the Kent-wide event called Walk 100 on Saturday 24th February 2018 and the Methodist Chapel will be used as the base Methodist Chapel 10.30am -2.30pm for the public (i.e. last sign in around 1.45pm). Registration is to be made by all individuals who want to take part by emailing, giving the email the heading Appledore. If you lead a group that might be interested in this event (e.g. ramblers, scouts, guides, cadets) again, please email the address given to receive information of how groups can get involved.
On the day, you will sign in, collect a trail leaflet if required, show photos of yourself with the 3 hidden poppies along the trail and then receive a special pin badge based on this logo;
A nation-wide event on 11th November 2018 called Battle’s Over, A Nation’s Tribute, to celebrate the centenary of Armistice will be marked in Appledore by The Last Post being played at 6.55pm by Matthew Poore of the Salvation Army, the beacon on Mill Hill being lit at 7.00pm and the bells of St Peter and St Paul Church being rung at 7.05pm. If you have any suggestions or could help with any of our projects, or would like the history of the building you live in explored, or if you would be interested in joining ALHS, please contact our Chairman, Brian Knight on, 01233 758319 or our Secretary, Tracy Morgan on, 01233 758756 OR visit our website or message us on Twitter @AppledoreHist
Our January newsletter is available for download here January 2018
As ever, contact details are Chairman, Brian Knight on, 01233 758319 or our Secretary, Tracy Morgan on, 01233 758756 OR visit our website or message us on Twitter @AppledoreHist