ALHS February News

The Appledore trail was part of the Walk100 event on Saturday 24th February 2018. We hope that if you took part you enjoyed the event and like your pin badge. Any photos you wish to share can be emailed to
The Johnson family grave that includes Private Harry Johnson, who fell in 1879 at Isandwana during the Zulu War has now been repaired. Its location will be highlighted on the graveyard map within St Peter and St Paul shortly. Sandra Noel is giving us a talk with photos on 12th April at the Methodist Chapel from 7pm about the 1922 Everest Expedition, for which her father, Captain John Noel, was the Photographer. All are welcome to come and join us. Donations welcome.
We are hosting a talk by Martin Watts at 7.30pm on 10th May 2018 in the Village Hall. The topic will be The Royal Military Canal, with specific sections of the talk covering the part of the canal that falls within the Appledore Parish. As usual there will be a ticket price to include a complementary beverage.

ALHS are pleased to be part of a working committee with other Appledore organisations, such as Appledore Parish Council and Appledore Recreation Ground Management Committee to make sure that the beacon lighting event on 11th November 2018 as part of Battle’s Over, A Nation’s Tribute is a success.
Our February newsletter is available for download here February 2018
As ever, contact details are Chairman, Brian Knight on, 01233 758319 or our Secretary, Tracy Morgan on, 01233 758756 OR visit our website or message us on Twitter @AppledoreHist