November News
Our monthly news is taken and faithfully reproduced from the article produced for the Appledore Parish Magazine and may, on occasion, be duplicated elsewhere on this website.
Appledore Local History Society
You may recall that we reported having made contact with Ashford Borough Council, with a view to managing the overgrown vegetation within the Closed Cemetery at the Church of St Peter and St Paul. ABC responded positively by instructing Aspire Landscape Management, who visited on several occasions, completing their assignment well ahead of the targeted completion date of 11th November 2018. We hope that you will have observed how well the closed cemetery looked on Armistice Day.
As you know, brambles are quick to grow and re-establish themselves and in order to prevent the state of the churchyard returning to the jungle it had become, we hope that there are some of you who would be willing to spend the odd half day there with us, to keep the vegetation under control.
We will announce the first working party session in our article in the February Parish Magazine and look forward to seeing you there!
In the meantime, we wish you all the best for the forthcoming Festive Season and throughout the New Year!
As ever, contact details are Chairman, Brian Knight on, (01233 758319) or our Secretary, Tracy Morgan on, (01233 758756). Do visit our website or message us on Twitter @AppledoreHist

Appledore Kent’s Battle’s Over Working Group
On 10th November 2018, in the Village Hall, the film War Horse was shown as a precursor to the Armistice commemoration. Huw Jenkins read out a poignant letter from Charles Wilkinson’s Uncle, describing in some detail the conditions for the men and horses. Sadly he died in action 4 days after he wrote the letter.
We are very pleased with the success of the Battle’s Over event on Sunday 11th November 2018. The turnout of villagers who by so doing demonstrated their respect for those who fought and died for our freedom, was very rewarding, moreso as all age groups were represented. Even the weather was kind to us, having initially caused us to expect the worse following the downpour and hailstones earlier in the day
Funds were donated by Appledore Parish Council and numerous individuals came together in the organisation and delivery of the event. Monies were raised and continue to be raised which has allowed the village to make donations to The Royal Navy Association, The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, The Army’s National Charity and The Merchant Navy Association. Donations were also made to The Royal British Legion, The Salvation Army, The Northiam Bonfire Society and Appledore Bell Ringers
You will hopefully have noticed the lovely, individual ceramic poppies produced and donated by Beverley Gray, which were on display in the Church entrance hall over the weekend and also in the Village Hall on 11th November 2018. These are now available in return for a donation.
The initial point of contact for this project is Tracy Morgan on, (01233 758756).