September News
History Group Update
Some ladies from the East Kent WI Federation visited Appledore on 14th September to learn about the history of the village. Brian Knight (ALHS Chair) and Jill Monk-Smith (ALHS member) gave them a guided tour of the Street, complete with photographs from bygone times.
The PLUTO signs were replaced and should be put back to mark the two sites within the Appledore area where this WW2 pipeline is still visible by the end of September. The signage for the beacon, now on Mill Hill, should also be put in place by then.
We are planning to have at least one talk on WW2 next year in line with 2019 being 80 years after the start of the second world war. There may be a Kent-wide project focussing on collating memoires from WW2 (including oral history) and we have been asked to consider taking part, which would be most valuable to ensure our local history is preserved and shared. With this issue in mind we continue to populate our Community Chest database, but also look to add items to our website. We have become aware of some video footage of Appledore history and hope to add links to this shortly.
Appledore Kent’s Battle’s Over Working Group

Planning and organisation for this event will now increase in pace as November nears. We have been taking care of some of the arrangements during the Summer but will be meeting over the next couple of months to try to ensure that the evening of 11th November is a successful, fitting Parish event. We are honoured to have Cllrs Hill and Burgess attending.
We are very please to say that there will also be a Film Night on 10th November in the Village Hall, where War Horse (Rating 12) will be shown. The initial point of contact for this project is Tracy
Morgan (details below)
Our September 2018 Newsletter is available for download here September 2018