October News

Appledore Local History Society and Appledore Kent’s Battle’s Over Working Group are concentrating on the weekend of 10th-11th November, when the centenary of the end of World War One will be commemorated in Appledore, as will be the case UK wide!
The front cover of this month’s Parish Magazine provides all the timings for the War Horse film showing on Saturday 10th November and the Battle’s Over event centred around the Village Hall on Sunday 11th November. You might want to detach the cover and keep it as a reminder of what is happening when and where.
There will be Royal British Legion merchandise available to buy during both events.
There will be refreshments available in the Village Hall on both dates; before the film and during the interval as usual on the 10th and from 6pm-8.30pm on the 11th. The hall will be open from 6pm-8.30pm with poppy related artwork by Appledore Art Club on show, a WW1 display and free leaflets to take away for the Appledore WW1 Heritage Trail.
Part of the evening will involve, for those who want to, crossing the Street and following the tarmac track along the edge of the Recreation Ground, stopping at the gate at the end. There, a short ceremony including readings, a bugler and the reading of the names of Appledore’s WW1 fallen will be followed by the view of the beacon on Mill Hill, made and erected for this Battle’s Over event, being lit.
Appledore Parish Council has kindly helped fund this event. All net proceeds will be split equally between the charities nominated by the Battle’s Over event; Royal Navy Association, Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, The Army’s National Charity and The Merchant Navy Association.
As a reminder for the evening of 11th November, as it will be dark by 6pm, this will of course mean that sensible footwear and clothing, a torch and supervised children will be required!
Download the above as a pdf Newsletter October 2018