BOON family photo – appeal for more information for our archives
A friend of Muriel and Daphne (both nee Boon) kindly shared this photo (and a group photo) from a wedding that looks to be held during WW1. Information we have found so far includes:

Appledore WW1 Methodist Chapel roll of honour lists as having served (not fallen) George, Percy, Leonard and Fred Boon (regiments currently unknown).
From the 1939 Register it would seem that Leonard lived at Griffin Villa, was married to Florence M, and Muriel was born in 1927. Muriel later married Cyril Holdstock in 1949, and at some time worked for the Clifton family.
The only Boon wedding found to have been held in Appledore during WW1 was in 1917 when Alice Maud Boon (of Griffin Farm, Percy, Fred and Leonards’ sister) married Francis Jackson of Westone, Lancashire.
We will keep on researching, but in the meantime does anyone know who the happy couple are in the photo?
Appledore Markets
You have probably seen the recently renewed sign in front of the church which contains information about Appledore, including the fact that markets authorised by King Edward III (pictured below) were held until the end of the 1800’s.

According to Sir John Winnifrith’s book ‘History of Appledore’, in 1359 King Edward III granted permission to the Prior and monks of Christ Church, Canterbury to hold a weekly market in Appledore and also an annual fair on the 11th of January.
Appledore Local History Society think it might be fun to hold a fair/market on Saturday 11th January 2025 – a long way off, and yet it would probably take more than a year to organise such an event. It could be set in the late 1800’s and would be something to look forward to during the often ‘flat’ month of January!
If you would be interested in this and would like to be involved in organising such an event, please do contact us by email at, or through our Chairman, Brian Knight on 01233 758319 or
In the meantime, we wish you a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year!